We Offer Full Support for PCI Compliance

PCI Compliance is a standard of security established for any business that processes credit cards. Whether you have a computerized POS system, process over a phone and do manual imprints, process through a credit card terminal or have an e-commerce website taking orders, PCI establishes a series of best practices and minimum security protocols that must be observed for your business type. More information on these business types can be found on our dedicated PCI Compliance website in the “Learn More” section.
In addition to a private organization, The PCI Security Standards Council (formed from many of our industry’s leading companies, including Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express®, Discover® and Japan Card®), the United States government has also become involved, passing bills into law such as FACTA (the Fair Accurate Credit Transaction Act), which has elements that control how merchants process credit cards.
Our processing partner, Electronic Payments Inc., has created a dedicated website, pcicompliance.info, to assist all merchants in becoming fully compliant with the PCI DSS standard, regardless of business size or past experience with PCI compliance.
The Visa Global Registry of Service Providers
Find out whether your electronic payments servicer is up to date with their PCI compliance registration. (merchant services, point-of-sale hardware/software, payment terminals, payments gateways and other payments applications.)
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