InterChange Optimization Reduces Costs on Corporate Card Transactions!
What is Interchange Optimization?
Interchange Optimization is the process of qualifying your business for the Interchange categories that will minimize your rates and fees on credit card payment processing costs.
Due to the complex nature and vast array of Interchange categories, it’s common for businesses to function within categories that have higher rates than they need to pay. THAT’S WHERE WE CAN HELP!
>A common misconception is that the payment processor’s mark-ups are the only place to save on fees. The more significant savings potential is actually in the Interchange – the hard cost of payment card acceptance.<
B2B / B2G – Businesses that sell to other businesses or to the Government can benefit from Interchange Optimization.
Business Card transactions can clear at Level 2 Interchange when submitting the required enhanced data, whereas Corporate Card and Purchasing Card transactions have the ability to clear at Level 3 Interchange when submitting all the required enhanced data.
Sample Data Requirements:

- Merchant Name
- Transaction Amount
- Card Number
- CVV2 Data
- Date
- Billing Zip Code

- Level 1 Data
- Sales Tax Amount
- Tax Indicator
- Customer Code
- Merchant Postal Code
- Merchant Tax ID
- Invoice Number
- Purchase Order Number

- Level 1 & 2 Data
- Product Code
- Product Description
- Quantity
- Unit Price
- Unit of Measure
- Extended Price
- Discount Amount
- Debit or Credit Indicator
- Shipping Amount
Here is a partial list of dues and assessments the Card Associations charge in addition to Interchange fees.
Association fees include:
- Assessments
- Network fees
- Foreign card fees (for cards issued outside of the U.S.)
- MasterCard Network Access and Brand Usage Fee (NABU)
- Visa Acquirer Processing Fee (APF)
- Visa Fixed Acquirer Network Fee (FANF)
- Visa Transaction Integrity Fee (TIF)
- Visa Authorization Misuse Fee
- Visa Zero Floor Limit Fee
CLICK HERE to take advantage of our Free statement review and analysis.
We look forward to working with you!